Worked on the District Re-opening Task Force to develop and implement plans for four scenarios for safely and effectively bringing students into Bedford Schools
Implemented plans that safely and effectively re-opened Bedford Schools
Asked for and supported the District Leadership Team’s development of the Bedford for Bedford option for remote learning
Supported roll-out of Bedford’s one-for-one technology initiative
Recruited and on-boarded a new superintendent of schools
Reviewed, refined, and approved three School District annual budgets
Maintained ongoing operations of the School Committee (Superintendent reviews, District Improvement Plans, Principal Presentations, Contract negotiations, …)
Expanded School Committee to include representatives for students, METCO families, and Hanscom families
Attended two wonderful in-person celebrations of graduation for Bedford High School seniors

Bedford Day
School Committee Member
Getting ready for the parade

Bedford Day
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) helps at the fireworks

Forrester Award
Switzerland, 2012


Community member

Appointed to vacant position (11/19), elected to seat (3/20)
Current Vice Chair, former Secretary
Member of Capital Expenditure Committee
Served on District Re-opening Task Force (summer/fall 2020)
Served on BHS Re-opening Task Force (summer/fall 2020)
Liaison to Youth and Family Services Task Force

Member, Bedford Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Hundreds of hours volunteering for Bedford Food Bank, distributing food
Volunteer at Bedford’s Covid testing clinics, flu shot clinics, and Covid vaccine clinics
Volunteer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for MIT ambulance service
American Heart Association certified CPR instructor
Over 15 years as board member at church, chair of Finance Committee and Personnel Committee
Tenured Associate Professor at Brandeis University, International Business School
Teaching appointments at MIT Sloan School of Management, Brown University, Center for Medical Simulation
PhD in Management (System dynamics, organization studies) from MIT; MBA (Finance) from U. Chicago Booth School of Business
Formerly cancer researcher, management consultant
Extensive international experience, including living in Hong Kong
Advisory board and founding member, Brandeis Center for Teaching and Learning
Brandeis Faculty Senate, Presidential Search Committee Advisory Group, President’s Student Experience Task Force, many other university committees
More than 20 years of service to the System Dynamics Society as board member and officer, including Secretary and President Elect, Program Chair for international scientific conference, and various committee memberships and chairs.
Received Forrester Award from SDS (most prestigious award, given for best published research in previous 5 years)

Course director and instructor in Institute for Medical Simulation courses for healthcare simulation educators, in US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Brazil
Several-time keynote speaker and coach at Dynamiquest, workshop for high school students on systems thinking and climate change
Trustee for Creative Learning Exchange
Instructional coach for Forrester Fellows teachers at Innovation Academy Charter School
Left photo: Brad visits Boeing with MIT Leaders for Global Operations
Right photo: Brad visits Caterpillar with MIT Leaders for Global Operations